North Springs Alliance Church



At North Springs Alliance Church, we take every opportunity to help you take the next steps in your journey with Christ. We invite you to Come As You Are, we encourage you to Be Transformed, and then we ask you to Make A Difference. One of the most crucial ways to make a difference and to move your faith from observation to practice is through serving and leading. We firmly believe that everyone is uniquely gifted, and we want to help you discover your God-given gifts and help you connect to the role that is a great fit for you. Our purpose or desire is not to fill spots in certain areas but to make sure that you are engaged in your strengths and serving in your “sweet spot.”

God Is Moving

We have plenty of possibilities for serving and leading and not all of them are inside the walls of our buildings. If your passions and strengths stretch to our communities or across the globe, we can help point you to those that would be a good match for you.

One thing that we all have in common is we love to be blessed. We love to see God in action in our lives and in our church. Think of how wonderful it would be, and how God will move when His church is using all of the unique gifts that He specifically designed and designated. Our challenge to you is to start discovering your gifts and click on the links above to find the role that is in line with the way God designed you. These lists are not exhaustive. If you feel that your gift would be in a role that is not specifically listed here, contact us. We would love to have a conversation with you about serving or leading.

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